The Mayflower Ancestor

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Thacker Branch

I am so lucky to have been able to sit and talk to my grandmother or MaMa is what she wanted us to call her, Nancy Thacker Hess gave me most of my information to get me started.  There are a lot of people with the surname of Thacker especially in Pike County Kentucky where my grandmother was born.  My grandmother was a twin, and her youngest sister married my mother's oldest brother, Clyde Ward.  She is still living right up the road from me.  

The Thacker's I have found has many links and connections to other families and can be traced back very far!  They originate from England, and before there Scotland.

My goal is to one day have a book of all my family lineage.  But, if I don't get that done, I still have all this information saved for my grandson, Colton who I have already told and instructed at the age of eight to have this and continue to search and share. 

So, today I have updated some information on how we are related to the Blairs.  Which I don't need to write a book on, because the information on them is easily and readily found.  And these are the ancestors who we come from. But go to the Blair Connection to read more about it.

Click on the Map to go to the Thacker Family Lineage, this is where you will need the access code to enter.

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